108 is proud to be offering online training courses through the thinkific platform.
Here is the URL to take a look and we hope you like what you see -
At present we offer two specific course as follows :-
1 introduction to wing chun fundamentals
2 introduction to the Wing Chun dummy the Mok Jong
In the first course the "little idea form" is covered in detail as well as fundamental footwork, punching and energy ( breath work ) as well as Chi Sau ( sticky hands ) and some basic wooden dummy exercises.
This provides a very useful introduction to those who are new to the art as well as a great comprehensive recap for more experienced practitioners.
2 introduction to the Mok Jong provides careful step by step tuition in the most fundamental techniques and drills to be used on the dummy ( not the whole 108 Form )
These drills are designed for solo practice and to ensure that the training is correct and modular in its breakdown and presentation.
We believe this provides a great solid foundation for learning the dummy correctly
And in the privacy of your own home.
Again, footwork and angulation is discussed and described in detail together with all the necessary terminology.
We carefully consider the first two Mok Jong Sets and look at the applications and self defence possibilities.
The module contains numerous solo hand drills and exercises that are designed not only to improve your understanding and shapes as well as physical self defence but also the practitioners Chi Sau ( sticky hands ).
We believe while there are numerous dummy tutorials available on the web that 108 present a unique and interesting ( practical) approach somewhat different to that normally seen and taught.
We intend to Build on these foundations in future courses and will eventually present an entire course on the Lee Shing Mok Jong.