I decided to interview Sifu Paul Finn not only because of have the same sifu Master Joseph Lee but also have many other friends in common in the Wing Chun UK
Link to the interview. Please like and subscribe.
Here are the Questions
Number of years you have been doing martial arts
The number of arts you do and study has this enhanced your own martial art understanding
Tell me about Francis Fong and Joseph Lee the 2 of the most leading exponent of Wing Chun
Your view os the current state of wing chun in the UK
As we both are from Joseph Lee background would you consider Sifu Lee was never interested in the lime light and also to shay away from the commercial
Your advice to people that want to start their Martial Art Journey
Covid and moving online
Wing Chun chi sau the bad press it gets
Language barrier ? Do this exist with you and Joe and Francis ?
Thanks Mark and thanks Michael for the interview it was great talking to you about our shared wing chun heritage
Great interview. A lot of interesting views. Covered a lot of ground.