108 Wing Chun offers a unique opportunity to join in and train with us online - we have several courses available for students to learn about specific topics including (at present ) the following -
1 wing chun fundamentals - including the 1st Form Siu Lim Tao
2 Introduction to the Wooden Man - Mok Jaan Jong
3 closed door ( Private ) training with Sigung Joseph Lee including rare access to Gulau material
If you have not, as yet, had a chance to take a look at the online programs that are currently available then please visit our link at 108 wing chun on thinkifik com.
#wingchun #sidcup #bromley #vingtsun #wingchung #martialarts #selfdefence #Southlondon #kungfu #jkd #brucelee #Kali #silat #gungfu