Traditional South East Asian Martial Art Classes In Sidcup & Bromley
Silat or Pencak Silat is a culturally and historically rich martial arts from Indonesia has recently gained popularity in movies such as the Raid and Taken.
Silat is incredibly diverse with hundreds if not thousands of systems across Southeast Asia including Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is a very practical and hands-on form of self defence but also has a cultural identity link to forms and dance.
We teach two diverse systems firstly Inosanto Maphilindo Silat and Mande Muda Pencak Silat.
Practitioners will learn a great many physical techniques and applications including striking, locking, submissions and takedowns.
Techniques are practiced safely as part of solo “forms“ Practise as well as 2 man partner drills. Within the system are very specific stretching and conditioning drills as well as functional movement forms which allow the practitioner vast opportunity for solo training as well as that within the class.
Guro Paul is one of only a handful of certified Maphalindo instructors in the U.K. And is perhaps the only U.K. representative of the Mande Muda Pencak Silat International organisation.